Skyrim epic gameplay overhaul
Skyrim epic gameplay overhaul

skyrim epic gameplay overhaul

If you are not familiar with it, it is highly recommended that you either read the guide or watch Broduals video series showcase on it.

skyrim epic gameplay overhaul

This dramatically changes perks and other aspects of the game. The guide can be found in MO2 called 'Skyre Guide' as a mod.

skyrim epic gameplay overhaul

That's not Apollodown's fault it's mine for giving my system too much, and it will be yours as well if you do the same. Tinvaak uses T3nd0s Skyrim Redone for SSE. It's a lovely mod, but because I also have other scripted mods in my load order, it can, in cases like this video shows now and then, cause some gnarly script lag for me as well as FPS drops. On the noted script lag: my system doesn't seem to like FIO very much. "End-Battle Montage" as in I went and fought a bunch of dragons and started recording near the end to record the epicness.

Skyrim epic gameplay overhaul